Tomorrow will mark the 4 week mark for my move to Baltimore. It’s been 4 weeks since I taught my last Pittsburgh yoga class, packed my belongings, and said goodbye to my friends and family. Here’s what I’ve actually done for the last 4 weeks in writing with no glossy filters.
What I Was Going To Do: I thought I was going to write. Every day. In a great local coffee shop populated with artists and local eccentrics that quickly warmed to me and welcomed me into their group.
What I Actually Did: I wrote. Scrawled every few days into a journal. One morning I got a coffee at a local coffee shop while I sadly attempted to make the barista my friend. One morning I bought a man who was home from deployment breakfast while he told me about his family in California. Most mornings I run over to Dunkin Donuts and quickly bring a large coffee home to drink while I call my Mom.
WIWGTD: Decorate our new place! We were going to have a space so clean and warm that we could have friends over at a moment’s notice. Our adult loft was going to finally reflect the successful and sophisticated adults we are!
WIAD: Decorate our new place! But barely. I sit on the floor. I love that our place is filled with great light and hardwood floors so I bought 2 great area rugs, some stools for our counter, and a few pieces of art for the walls and then just stopped. After seeing a photo, my friend texted me that it looks like a yoga studio. It does. I like it that way. It’s very clean and when you visit we may not have furniture. Deal with it.
By the way, when are you coming to visit? And if you do visit, please do not expect me to actually know where you are. I’ve been here 4 weeks and I don’t get out much yet… That brings me to my next point.
WIWGTD: I was going to explore! Every nook and cranny of this new city was just waiting for me to find it. I was going to wake early every morning and after I finished canoodling with all of my new artist friends, I was going to trek around this city and learn it!
WIAD: It’s cold here. Like some days it’s wear a pair of jeans over my yoga pants cold. If I see myself in the same grey slouchy winter hat one more time… I have done a little exploring, mostly with my husband or solo on the rare warm day. I’ve done some of the touristy things… the National Aquarium, the Visionary Museum, been to Federal Hill, a couple of Poe locations, and ate crab cakes all over the place. I have almost daily visited the Harris Teeter (grocery store) and the Target across the street. I’m no adopted local yet. I almost cried when I had to surrender my PA license for my MD one. (It has a crab on it.)
WIWGTD: I was NOT going to be a workaholic. This was a big one for me. I have kept myself incredibly busy teaching yoga for the past 6 years and I loved every minute of it. Especially the part where I get to tell you how busy I am! That was maybe my favorite deliciously-make-myself-feel-important part!
WIAD: I am NOT a workaholic. I have NOT earned one dime this month. I am zero okay with that. I miss the days of being scheduled within an inch of my life. I miss planning coffee dates months in advance. I miss telling you how busy I am and feeling so important for being that busy!
What I am going to do next: I miss my friends and my family and my city. But more than anything, I miss teaching yoga. I don’t plan on squandering my time. I gave myself February to get adjusted, to land, to wallow and March brings a new start. In fact, right after I post this, I’ve got a new start.
I swallowed my pride and auditioned to teach yoga in a new studio. I will be starting a weekly teaching schedule very soon. I’m planning more retreats (some solo), and more workshops. Not because my identity hinges on being a yoga teacher. I’ve grown to realize that it doesn’t. (I wasn’t sure for a while.)
Learn my city. Hopefully March will bring warmer temperatures and either way I’ll actually force myself to learn more (not just the Instagram-mable pretty parts).
If I snubbed you for coffee over the last 6 years, I’m sorry. Hopefully putting that open apology out there will bring coffee date friends my way.
Thank you to lululemon Harbor East for asking me to teach for your staff meeting. It may have been a small kindness for you but the fact that you extended it to me meant so much and I hope I didn’t come off too strong when after we said Namaste – I asked you all to find me on social media, or let me buy you a coffee or tea sometime. But seriously, you need a caffeine fix and I need new friends so how about it?